Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Dear Jane Duncan,

I attach The FXI's Icasa complaint with regard to Paula Slier and have highlighted section 32.

Have you considered how this might conflict with the FXI's real views about what kind of commentators should be allowed on The SABC (south african broadcasting corp) re the reporting of "apartheid" Israel?

As you are aware, The FXI's director, Na'eem Jeenah is also spokesperson for The PSC ( Palestine Solidarity Committee) and is doing his best to stifle commentators who do not support Israel's destruction. The attached recent extract from Voice of The Cape is clear evidence that The FXI is speaking with a forked tongue !

The FXI's blatant hypocrisy has, once again, been laid bare and it is evident that The FXI is making a mockery of freedom of expression in South Africa.

In the circumstances, both you and Na'eem Jeenah should immediately resign from The FXI. Freedom of expression in South Africa is not being properly promoted by The FXI, as you are a pair of ideologues who believe in censorship.

Viva etc
Blacklisted Dictator

Paula Slier 30 In terms of s.10(1)(d) of the Broadcasting Act, the public services of the SABC must provide significant news and public affairs programming which meets the highest standards of journalism, as well as fair and unbiased coverage, impartiality, balance and independence from government, commercial and other interests. This requirement is repeated in s. of the licence conditions of SABC services.

31 The report makes reference to a direct instruction from Dr. Snuki Zikalala given to all news desks, that no material or story supplied by journalist Paula Slier should be used by SABC news desks until further notice.

32 With respect to Slier, the Commission found Zikalala's reason for issuing this instruction - namely that she was biased towards Israel - was improper in that it was motivated by a political position supporting the Palestine Liberation Organisation. They argued that her exclusion was in direct conflict with the SABC's policies and Code.

33 It is our contention that her exclusion was also in violation of the Broadcasting Act's requirement to provide programming that was independent from political interests, including the liberation movement and (according to Zikalala) its historic support for the PLO. He therefore allowed political allegiance to govern his decision making about the use of Slier, and therefore took a non-independent and biased decision, in violation of s.10(1)(d) of the Broadcasting Act.

34 Zikalala's instruction on Slier is also a violation of the SABC's own Editorial Code, which states that 'we do not allow advertising, commercial, political or personal considerations to influence our editorial decision-making', and further 'the staff may not allow their professional judgment to be influenced by pressures from political, commercial or other sectional interests'. The Editorial Policy goes onto state, 'SABC reporting should be, and be seen to be, accurate, fair, impartial and balanced. Our audiences have the right to expect SABC news and current affairs programming not to reflect the personal views of editorial staff'. Clearly this was not the case in relation to the exclusion of Slier, who was excluded because of Zikalala's personal and political views.

"According to the PSG and PSC, during the Apartheid era the SABC was
partial to the Israeli state and to Zionism. “As South Africans who
fought for a democratic dispensation in South Africa, we expect that
our public broadcaster will stop putting forward the Zionist viewpoint
and will end the broadcaster’s bias in favour of the illegal Israeli
occupation. Did the world’s media insist on ‘balance’ whenever they
interviewed a member of South Africa’s liberation movements? Did they
also insist on the presence of a spokesperson on behalf of Apartheid
South Africa?

The public broadcaster in a society that has just overcome legislated
racism and is struggling to throw off the shackles of centuries of
dispossession and of poverty must be on the side of those who are
victims of racism, colonialism and apartheid and cannot pretend to want
to be balanced. When faced with the reality of an oppressive apartheid
regime with vast resources for propaganda, the SABC must give the
stronger voice to the oppressed and subjugated,” the joint statement
signed by Mercia Andrews, Makoma Lekalakala and Salim Vally concluded."

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